We would like to thank our partners for their financial commitment and close collaboration. It is their generous support that makes our work possible.
Federal government, cantons and municipalities
Aarau (town)
Amt für Kindergarten, Volksschule und Beratung des Kantons Bern (AKVB)
Canton of Bern (Lottery Fund)
Canton of Basel-Stadt
Biel / Bienne (town)
Rapperswil-Jona (town)
Gemeinde Jegenstorf (municipality)
Gemeinde Muri bei Bern (municipality)
Gemeinde Riehen (municipality)
Bärbel und Paul Geissbühler Stiftung
Carl and Elise Elsener-Gut Foundation c / o Victorinox AG
Däster-Schild Stiftung
DAVAC Foundation
David Bruderer Stiftung
Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Stiftung
ESPERANZA kooperative Hilfe gegen Armut
Kommission für Entwicklungshilfe und Missionen (KEM), römisch-katholische Gesamtkirchgemeinde Bern – Seeland
Kriegstrauma-Therapie Foundation
Leopold Bachmann Foundation
Max und Martha Dangel Stiftung
Mondisan Stiftung
Pinoli Stiftung
Salientes Stiftung
Stiftung Perspektiven (SwissLife)
U.W. Linsi Stiftung
Werner H. Spross Stiftung
Migros Culture Percentage
Migros Aid Fund / Unterstützungsfonds
Partners Group
International Organisations and NGOs
Jesuit Mission Nuremberg
Verein Sangira
Implementation partners
Action for Child Social and Economic Transformation (ACSET)
Anantapur Sports Academy (ASA)
Center for Rural Education and Development Action (CREDA)
Community Psychosocial Support Organization (CPSO)
Development Aid from People to People Zimbabwe (DAPP Zimbabwe)
Grupo Internacional de Paz (GIP)
Jesuit Education Office – Province of Southern Africa
Moving Forward Together (MFT)
Mangwende Orphan Care Trust (MOCT)
Prek Leap New Generation School
Waruka Trust Academy
Youth Sport Uganda (YSU)
- Biel-Seeland Chamber of Commerce
- Centre for Peacebuilding (KOFF)
- Consultative Status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Fédération Interjurassienne de Coopération et Développement (FICD)
- International Safeguarding Children in Sport Working Group
- Permanent Consultative Council (PCC) to UNESCO‘s Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS)
- proFonds — The umbrella organization for philanthropic organizations in Switzerland
- Swiss Network for Education and International Cooperation (RECI)
- Swiss Institute for Research on Management of Associations, Foundations and Co-operatives (VMI)
- Sport for Refugees Coalition, coordinated by Scort Foundation, the Olympic Refuge Foundation and UNHCR