On 27 October, Biel/Bienne’s time festival “Night of 1000 Questions” will be taking place. We will be participating with the game “Hopscotch 2.0”.
Surely everybody has played hopscotch? From Iran to Sweden via Brasil, whether called “ley ley”, “hoppa hage” or “amarelinha”, children around the world love the game. SAD has developed it further, as an interactive quiz, to provide interesting insights into the significance of sport in different cultures and eras. “Hopscotch 2.0” demonstrates that sport and play have long been more than just entertainment, teaching lessons for life and driving innovation. It’s a game full of surprising twists, not just for children.
Event «Time To Play» at the Night of 1000 Questions in Biel/Bienne
Stadttheater, Burggasse 19, 2502 Biel/Bienne
27 October 2018, 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm