Action for Child Social and Economic Transformation (ACSET) Uganda is an indigenous non-profit-organization registered in Uganda. It is a member of Lira NGO forum – an umbrella organization of NGOs and CBOs working in Lango Sub-region.

ACSET Uganda strives to have an economically empowered and enlightened community that works together to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable, healthy lifestyles for vulnerable children, youth and women through the implementation of demand driven and financially sustainable programs that both develop capacity and generate income.

Using a right-based approach, ACSET aims to directly reach individuals, households, communities, schools and health centres addressing four inter-related and connected thematic areas, each of them with specific objectives to alleviate poverty in Uganda: Agriculture and Economic Development, Education and Vocational Skill Development, Renewable Energy and Clean Drinking Water, Health and Social protection.

SA4D and ACSET are currently implementing a programme on sustainable (self-)employment through vocational and business training for young people.